AMIC Manila 2016: Call for Papers

Rethinking Communication in a Resurgent Asia

15-17 September 2016, Manila Philippines


According to an ancient Chinese proverb, To forget one’s ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without root.

An old Philippine proverb says, Sino man ang hindi marunong lumingon sa kanyang pinang-galingan, ay hindi makakarating sa kanyang paroroonan. (He who does not think back on his past, will not arrive at his destination.)

We invoke this ancient Asian wisdomto warn, as we lunge headlong into today’s fast-changing world, that non-Asian communication theories, sophisticated gadgets and apps are not the panacea to Asia’s and the world’s problems. The solutions are in us.

We in AMIC and in Asia need to rediscover our roots, somehow buried under our feet as we run mindlessly forward. We have imbibed non-Asian ways, and adopted foreign communication theories, methodologies and practices as we studied abroad, and brought them back to Asia to teach to our young students who would one day become our disciples.

We preach that communication and culture are inextricably linked. But have we studied or developed Asian theories of communication based on Asian culture? Very little it seems and definitely not enough. In this coming 2016 AMIC annual conference, we pause and look back to where we came from.

We need to rediscover our “Asianess” amidst a resurging Asia. The Asian Development Bank has reported that if Asia continues its current growth trajectory, by 2050 it will regain the dominant economic position it held some 300 years ago, before the industrial revolution. In this scenario Asia’s gross domestic product (GDP) will reach $174 trillion (or half of the global GDP) from $17 trillion in 2010.

A resurging Asia must also be seen in terms of new challenges characterized by inequalities, conflicts, climate change, unsustainable practices, and corruption. Beyond the tools of mass communication, are there distinct Asian communication strategies which can effectively address these challenges that threaten the resurgence of Asia?

Let us rediscover our Asian past so that we can confidently move into our future. 


Cluster on Philosophies, Theories, and Paradigms

  • How Asian Philosophies and Religion Influence Communication Paradigms
  • Asian (Indigenous) Communication Theories, Paradigms, and Models
  • Media History and Asian Perspectives: Remembering the Past for the Future
  • Cultural Traditions and Communication Theory
  • Asian Research Framework and Methodologies 

Cluster on Communication and Culture

  • Protecting and Preserving Our Cultural Heritage (Amidst Natural and Man-made Disasters)
  • Intercultural Dialogue for Tolerance, Harmony, and Peace
  • Addressing Hate Speech, Radicalism, and Extremism in Asian Media 

Cluster on Communication Education

  • Asian Higher Education Integration
  • Accreditation Standards for Asia-Pacific Communication Schools 

Cluster on Communication Media

  • Revival (or Rediscovery) of Asian Traditional (Folk) Media
  • Asian Films, Directors, and Performers in the Global Cinema
  • Portrayal of Asia and its Societies and Citizens in Film and TV 

Cluster on Communication Strategies and Approaches

  • Asian Conflict Resolution Styles and Communication
  • Good Governance and Communication (including Poverty Alleviation, Fighting Corruption)
  • Risk, Disaster, and Humanitarian Communication
  • Health Communication (including Behavior and Social Change) 

Cluster on Inclusive Knowledge Societies

  • Access to Knowledge and Information by Persons with Disabilities
  • Access to Knowledge and Information by Indigenous People
  • Right to Information of Internally Displaced Persons
  • Access Beyond Genders (and Gender Preference) 

Cluster on Global Communication

  • Communication and the Asian Diaspora (Migration)
  • Asia-Africa Dialogue on Commonalities and Divergences in Communication
  • Career Opportunities for the Global Communication Professional 

Cluster on Asian Business Communication

  • Branding Asia/Branding in Asia
  • Trade and Investment Communication
  • Cross-cultural Business Communication in an Asian Setting 


Papers will be selected on a competitive basis and all submissions will be screened by an expert panel. 

Abstracts due:                         30 April 2016

Notification of acceptance         1-15 July 2016

Full papers due:                        30 July 2016 

Abstracts and papers should be submitted via e-mail (

Please do not send abstracts/papers to the personal e-mail addresses of conference organizers. 


Indicate your proposed Conference Cluster (and specific stream) in the subject line of your e-mail. 

E-mail should include the following:

  • paper title
  • author name, position, institution
  • short biography of author (100 words)
  • paper abstract (500 words) 


If your abstract is approved for presentation, you will be required to submit the full paper prior to the conference. The full paper should adhere to the following requirements:

  • should be written in English.
  • be of 5,000-8,000 words in length.
  • have citation in APA style.
  • should be Microsoft Word or RTF document. Font should be Times New Roman, 12 pts. Please use plain text and not formatting. 

For more information, please contact Mr. Ramon R. Tuazon ( or

Note to all authors: By submitting your paper, you agree to the following terms:

  1. that upon selection of your paper, you will register for the conference and present the paper. All co-authors attending and/or presenting at the conference must register too.
  2. that your paper will be included in a compilation of conference papers to be uploaded and publicized in the AMIC website 



Criteria to be used to evaluate abstracts include the following: 

  • Relevance of the topic to the conference theme
  • Well-defined topics /issue(s) to be examined and discussed
  • Originality and innovativeness of topic
  • Adherence to solid research design and methodology (for research-based papers)
  • Limitations identified (for research-based papers)
  • Good language and writing quality and logical organization of paper
  • Potential contributions to the advancement of communication theory, research and practice 

Full Papers

Criteria to be used to evaluate full papers include the following: 

  • Extensive and appropriate literature review
  • Good writing quality, e.g., style is clear and engaging
  • Logical organization of paper
  • In-depth and evidence-based analysis and conclusions
  • Concrete recommendations for research, policy, and action projects
  • Publication-ready 

Tell Us What You Want to Talk About in #AMICManila2016

Consistent with our Asian values of harmony and consensus, and in this age of crowdsourcing, we invite our AMIC members and friends to send us proposed conference streams (general topics) following the theme, Rethinking Communication in a Resurgent Asia. A brief write-up on the theme is available at the AMIC website:

Special prizes will be given to the first 25 members who send their proposed conference streams.

The conference streams will guidefuture paper presenters on the specific titles and thrusts of the papers to be presented in AMICAsia 2016. This will be held in AMIC’s new headquarters in Manila, Philippines.

Examples of streams are: Asian Communication Theories, Paradigms, and Models; Asian Research Framework and Methodologies; Asian Higher Education Integration; Asian Conflict Resolution Styles and Communication; and Cross-cultural Business Communication in an Asian Setting

You may send your recommendations through the following:

Ramon R. Tuazon, AMIC Secretary General

Email address:;

AMIC’s official Facebook account:


AMIC’s official Twitter account:


Theme for AMIC Conference 2016

Rethinking Communication in a Resurgent Asia 

According to an ancient Chinese proverb, To forget one’s ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without root.

An old Philippine proverb says, Sino man ang hindi marunong lumingon sa kanyang pinang-galingan, ay hindi makakarating sa kanyang paroroonan. (He who does not think back on his past, will not arrive at his destination.)

We invoke this ancient Asian wisdom to warn, as we lunge headlong into today’s fast-changing world, that non-Asian communication theories, sophisticated gadgets and apps are not the panacea to the world’s problems. The solutions are in us.

We in AMIC and in Asia need to rediscover our roots, somehow buried under our feet as we run mindlessly forward. We have imbibed non-Asian ways, and adopted foreign communication theories, methodologies and practices as we studied abroad, and brought them back to Asia to teach to our young students who would one day become our disciples.

We preach that communication and culture are inextricably linked. But have we studied or developed Asian theories of communication based on Asian culture? Very little. In this coming 2016 AMIC annual conference we suggest that we pause and look back to where we came from.

We need to rediscover our “Asianess” amidst a resurging Asia. The Asian Development Bank has reported that if Asia continues its current growth trajectory, by 2050 it will regain the dominant economic position it held some 300 years ago, before the industrial revolution. In this scenario Asia’s gross domestic product (GDP) will reach $174 trillion (or half of the global GDP) from $17 trillion in 2010.

A resurging Asia must also be seen in terms of new challenges characterized by inequalities, conflicts, climate change, unsustainable practices, and corruption. Beyond the tools of mass communication, are there distinct Asian communication strategies which can effectively address these challenges that threaten the resurgence of Asia?

Let us rediscover our Asian past so that we can confidently move into our future. 

AMIC 2015 International Conference in Dubai

  1. Conference Program

  2. Opening Remarks by Arun Mahizhnan, Chairman, AMIC Board of Directors

  3. Communicating Across Cultures in the Digital Media Era by Philip Seib, Ph. D.

  4. Parallel Sessions

  5. Closing Remarks of Chairman Arun Mahizhnan


AMIC holds 24th International Conference in Dubai

AMIC holds 24th International Conference in Dubai

The Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) has successfully conducted its 24th International Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on June 10-13, 2015.

Hosted by the American University in Dubai (AUD), the Conference carried the theme Communicating in an eAsia: Values, Technologies, and Challenges. It was AMIC’s first time to hold its annual conference in the Gulf region. The event was widely covered by the Dubai media.

The Conference was honored by the presence of university officials led by President Lance de Masi, Provost Jihad Nader and Associate Dean Carol Moufarrej.

The Conference was attended by about 180 participants, two-thirds of whom were foreign delegates from various continents, including Asia-Pacific, North America, and Africa.

The conference featured three plenaries and 31 parallel sessions. (See Highlights and Papers here.)


The keynote speakers were Ms. Erin Burnett of CNN, and Professor Philip Seib, Vice Dean of the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California.

The AMIC Distinguished Forum was also held, with the theme Communication and Media Education in an ‘e-Century’: Future Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges.

Speakers for the AMIC Distinguished Forum were leading educators Dr. Janet Wasko (University of Oregon, USA/President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research), Professor Ang Peng Hwa (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore/President-elect, International Communication Association), Mr. Daoud Kuttab (Community Media Network/International Press Institute, Jordan), Professor Binod Agrawal (TALEEM Research Foundation, India), and Dr. Juhad Nader (Provost, American University in Dubai) as confirmed panelists. 

The UNESCO Emeritus Dialogue, with the theme Changing Roles, Shifting Perceptions:Gender and Diversity in the Digital Environment, was also held as a special section during the Conference.

Speakers in the UNESCO Emeritus Dialogue included Dr. Abeer Al-Majjar (American University of Sharjah, UAE), Dr. Pirongrong Ramasoota (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand), Professor John Lent (Temple University, USA) and Associate Professor Pradip Thomas (University of Queensland, Australia).

Special breakout sessions were also include in the conference, with the themes Media and Health in Asia: Exploring a Core of Asian Cultural Issues(with Dr. Muneo Kaigo of University of Tsukuba, Japan, as session chair), and Challenges for Emerging Media in the Arab World (with Dr. Moussa Barhouma, AUD).

The plenary closing session was held with the theme E-Communication in the Arab World: Technologies, Opportunities and New Frontiers.

AMIC Asia Communication Award

During the Conference, AMIC honored three communication icons with the AMIC Asia Communication Award. These were Juan L. Mercado (2014 awardee), and Dr. Alan Hancock and Prof. David Robie (2015 awardees).

While he was cited in 2014, Mercado received the AMIC Communication Award only this year. The 2014 International Conference slated to be conducted in Bangkok, Thailand was cancelled following the May 2014 coup in this country.

AMIC also recognized the significant contributions of three institutions that nurtured and sustained the organization in the past 44 years—the Government of the Republic of Singapore, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, and Nanyang Technological University.

Eminent Filipino communication scholar Dr. Crispin C. Maslog took over from Arun Mahizhnan as chairman of AMIC’s Board of Directors.

With his appointment, Dr. Maslog comes full circle at AMIC. He was part of a select group of Asian scholars and practitioners who conceptualized AMIC in Singapore in 1971.

Annual General Membership Meeting

AMIC convenedits Annual General Membership Meeting on June 11, during which the members agreed to ratify the earlier decision of the Board of Directors to transfer the AMIC headquarters from Singapore to Manila, Philippines.

The Philippine Women’s University-Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (PWU-AIJC) consortium will host the new headquarters.

In his letter to the AMIC members, Secretary-General Tuazon said that while AMIC’s transition is fraught with daunting challenges, he hopes continuous dialogue will bind the members together and strengthen the organization. He thanked the members for their continued support since his interim appointment in September 2014.

He also reiterated AMIC’s gratitude to AUD for hosting the conference and “for coming forward at a crucial time when AMIC needed help in boosting its membership andin expanding its frontiers to other parts of Asia.”


Photos of the 2015 AMIC International Conference can be viewed at:

Credit should be given to the AUD.