Media Asia
published by AMIC and Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
Media and the Pandemic
Have you recently conducted research on media and the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia? If your findings are interesting, we’re interested!
Media Asia is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal published by the Asian Media and Information Communication Centre (AMIC) and Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Published since 1974, Media Asia is now in its 46th year.
Manuscripts should focus on relevant issues related to media’s role in relation to the pandemic. These are some of the topics that may be interesting:

- Impact of COVID-19 on journalism, advertising, public relations, entertainment or any aspect of media (e.g., case studies, in-depth interviews with practitioners)
- Media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., content analysis, in-depth interviews with journalists)
- Government restrictions on media coverage during lockdown (e.g., effects of government’s “virtual pressers” with screened questions from journalists, weaponization of laws against the media, state of press freedom)
- Media technology and COVID-19 (e.g., how technology is being used to adapt to the changing environment)
- Media operations amid COVID-19 (e.g., reduction of media workforce, limited advertising, dependence on replayed and canned entertainment programs, impact on profit, changes in routines of media practitioners, adjustments in production processes)
- Media and the “new normal” (e.g., adjustments in the delivery of news and entertainment, quality of reportage due to limited movement of journalists and media workers)
- Media and history of global health crises (e.g., comparison of media’s role in past health crises like SARS to contextualize COVID-19 coverage)
These are just examples of research areas and topics. Please feel free to submit other manuscripts that focus on media’s role amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
In coordination with the editor, authors may also send commentaries on media and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as reviews of books, films, plays and other media related to past health crises. These submissions are not subjected to peer review and have faster editorial decisions.
Given the journal’s adherence to the highest degree of academic scholarship, authors should be willing to submit their manuscripts to a double-blind review process. The journal editors shall initially review the manuscript. If it is assessed to be well-written and well-researched, the manuscript (with the author’s name and other related details redacted) shall be forwarded to at least two experts on the topic who will provide objective reviews. Similar to other peer-reviewed journals, Media Asia shall only publish manuscripts from authors who are able to revise their manuscripts based on the reviewers’ comments.
Based on data from the handling of 16 manuscripts submitted to Media Asia from 1 January to 12 May 2020, our journal has a relatively fast turnaround time in terms of editorial evaluation and reviewer invitation. Authors can be assured of a hastened process of feedback even if reviewers are usually given a maximum of 30 days to submit their comments.
Manuscripts should be written in English and should have not more than 10,000 words (including tables, references, captions and endnotes). They should also have an abstract of 100 to 150 words and keywords not exceeding five. Authors should use the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. More information about submission format may be retrieved from
Interested authors may submit online at
Effective 2020, Media Asia’s editor is Danilo Arao (University of the Philippines Diliman). The associate editors are Lisa Brooten (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Pamela Custodio (University of the Philippines Los Baños), Roselyn Du (California State University Fullerton), Ma. Theresa Rivera (Far Eastern University Manila) and Zhang Yin Nick (Hong Kong Baptist University).
If there are any questions, please send an email to