Bashar passed away on December 26, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at age 78, and was buried in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He left behind a wife, a son and daughter.
He was the editor of the renowned international magazine Journal for Development Communications (JDC) published from Malaysia under the auspices of Aidcom.
Prof. Bashar helped formed Aidcom as a private, non-government organization that developed new products and services, and initiated the JDC. Aidcom is now key centre operating within the structure of the University of Selangor.
He was professor of Mass Communications Department at Selangor University of Malaysia, and Executive Director of the Kuala Lumpur-based Asian Institute of Development Communication (Aidcom) since 1985.
He obtained a master’s degree in Mass Communications from the University of North Carolina, USA. In the 1960s, he worked as a journalist with Bangladeshi newspapers, including the dailies Morning News and Sangbad. He was a regular columnist of the Malaysian dailyThe Sun.
In the 1970s, after the independence of Bangladesh, he joined UNESCO, working at key cities including Paris, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Nairobi for more than 10 years.
After his UNESCO stint, he established Aidcom in Kuala Lumpur in 1985 and was active with it to his death. He was Secretary General of Manila-based Press Foundation of Asia (PFA) from 2000-2005.
After his UNESCO stint, he established Aidcom in Kuala Lumpur in 1985 and was active with it to his death. He was Secretary General of Manila-based Press Foundation of Asia (PFA) from 2000-2005.