Who is afraid of AI?

Who is afraid of AI?

Who is afraid of AI?

There is a perception that digital technologies are changing our societies in ways that are detrimental to the well-being of humanity.  At the same time the positive contribution that these technologies make to our lives and to our goal of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals is very real.  

How do we achieve the desired balance in these positive and negative implications of AI?  Will regulation result in an end to innovation?  Who should be in charge of deciding who and what to regulate?  Where do the media fit into this entire debate? Can the private sector be trusted to self-regulate? Does civil society have a role to play? Does the average citizen have any power to make a difference?

This webinar will not have all the answers. But it will attempt to look at the issues from different perspectives and engage in debate with participants in the online forum.  It will also review the various attempts to initiate AI regulation.

Join us at the online forum, Shaping a Digital Future in Line with Our Values: Why AI and AI Regulation Matter. This is scheduled on Thursday, November 24, 2022 at 1700-1830 (Singapore Standard Time). 

Our resource speaker is Dorothy K. Gordon, Chair, UNESCO Information for All Programme and Board Member, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, Board Member World Summit Awards and Board member Linux Professional Institute. Ms. Gordon is associated with the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence.

This webinar is being organized by the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) in partnership with UNESCO and the UNESCO Information for All Programme.

To join the webinar, please pre-register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfH6lNMbNsIIWrM_f6MJqi5t9j8qWWqdyam2sBVxDqg83fIMA/viewform

Deadline for Pre-Registration:  22 November 2022

Communication Theory Off the Press

Communication Theory Off the Press

Communication Theory Off the Press

Communication Theory: The Asian Perspective, 2nd edition (2022), edited by Dr. Wimal Dissanayake, packs in one volume the thoughts, perspectives, and arguments of the leaders in Asian communication scholarship—both the early trailblazers and those who have followed them in the field of communication/mass communication research in Asia.

In the last 50 years, these authors have been the persistent voices calling for a commitment among scholars to enrich and expand the global communication setting with Asian communication theories, perspectives, paradigms, values, and practices. 

This book will be most useful to students, faculty, and researchers of communication/mass communication in Asia and around the world as they seek to understand the processes and dynamics of communication/mass communication not only from the Western point of view but also from a more inclusive and global perspective.

For Philippine customers, please order your copy through Shopee at

For offshore customers, please email info@amic.asia.

Changing Global Media Values and Ethics

Changing Global Media Values and Ethics

Prof. Dr. Charu Lata Singh
Dean, Vivekananda School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies (VIPS)
(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India)

The scope of media ethics is not confined today to honesty and objectivity. In the wake of social media, the higher values of our mental, moral and spiritual being need to be properly integrated with the pragmatic values and aims of transnational co-existence of truth in the post globalized world. Welfare of all and sustainable efforts in this direction should be the guiding factors of our actions.

Spiritual attitude and orientation can only be the force for right values and ethics in changed technological environments. The pragmatic significance of values is an important principle, which is beginning to be recognized in our lives, for moral or spiritual value lived in action releases a corresponding moral or spiritual force, which in the long run results in sustainable gains. However, it may be difficult at present to prove this in empirical terms.

The  values and ethics are so important when we talk about media. Human values are integral part of one’s personality. Values are essential to ethics. As ethics is related to choice of actions to be taken, ethics evaluates the actions. “Moral values, and a culture and a religion, maintaining these values are far better than laws and regulations.” — Swami Vivekanand

In the context of the press, ‘Ethics’ may be described as a set of moral principles or values which guide the conduct of journalism. The ethics are essentially the self-restraints to be practiced by the journalists voluntarily, to preserve and promote the trust of the people and to maintain their own credibility.

The media all over the world have commonly voluntarily accepted the code of ethics which covers the areas of conduct which include:

  • Honesty and fairness;
  • Duty not to falsify pictures or to use them in a misleading fashion;
  • Duty to provide an opportunity to reply to critical opinions as well as to critical factual reportage;
  • Appearance as well as reality of objectivity;
  • Respect for privacy;
  • Duty to distinguish between facts and opinion;
  • Duty not to discriminate or to inflame hatred on such grounds as race, nationality, religion or gender;
  • Duty not to use dishonest means to obtain information; and
  • Duty not to endanger people.

New forms of communication are reshaping the practice of a once parochial craft serving a local, regional or national public. Today, news media use communication technology to gather text, video and images from around the world with unprecedented speed and varying degrees of editorial control. The same technology allows news media to disseminate this information to audiences scattered around the globe.

Global media ethics aims at developing a comprehensive set of principles and standards for the practice of journalism in an age of global news media, although they do not define or refer to something with clarity or have one established code worldwide.

The idea of a global media ethics arises out of a larger attempt to change, improve or reform the global media system to eliminate inequalities in media technology and to reduce the control of global media in the hands of a minority of Western countries. This attempt to re-structure the media system has been controversial, often being accused of being motivated by an agenda to control media or inhibit a free press. The debate continues even today, decades after the recommendations of the McBride report in 1980, One World, Many Voices, which outlined a new global media order.

The digital media technologies have affected the guidelines of ethics in the globalized world to a great extent. News reports, via satellite or the Internet, reach people around the world and influence the actions of governments, militaries, humanitarian agencies and warring ethnic groups. A responsible global ethics is, therefore, the  need in a world where news media bring together a plurality of different religions, traditions and ethnic groups.

We also have brigade of non-professional online writers, bloggers, youtubers disseminating all kind of information 24X7. New online news media analysis channels have emerged in a big way, many with biased agendas with no gatekeeping. What are uniform ethical guidelines for them is not known or developed. Further, we have steaming platforms with not much regulation. AI and Metaverse is coming with leaping strides and would hugely require different set of values and ethics.

The ethics developed for yester years are no longer applicable today.  The technology has started leading us, already we know that AI is there, which is further going to make us lazy mentally and physically. The ethics now have to be made in relation to the humans in relations to machines. When we have robots, the ethics need to guide the developers as well as the robots in action.  At the same time, humans have to grow mentally and spiritually more than the technology, to compete with the technology and stay ahead of the technology so that they are able to control it and put it on the right path.

Objectivity in journalism has usually been understood as the duty to avoid bias toward groups within one’s own country. In the interconnected world, generally, the global objectivity takes on the additional responsibility of allowing bias towards one’s country or culture as a whole to distort reports, especially reports on international issues. In order that  the reports are accurate and balanced, they must contain all relevant international sources and cross-cultural perspectives. In addition, global journalism asks journalists to be more conscious of how they frame the global public’s perspective on major stories, and how they set the international news agenda. The aim should be to facilitate rational deliberation in a global public sphere. It calls for independent, sharp-edged news, along with investigations and analysis.

Developing a uniform code of conduct applicable for all the global media systems, however, seems a distant dream. The conceptual challenges of developing consensus is, whether universal values exist in media practice around the world and how an appeal for global values would counter or avoid the voices of cultural imperialism.

For ethics to be redefined when we have post globalized scenario, there are two views:

I) Constructionist View — It believes that global ethics is to see whether all or most interested parties are able to “construct” and agree upon a set of principles through a fair process of deliberation.

II) Global journalism ethics will have to amount to more than a dreamy spiritualism about the brotherhood of man and universal benevolence. Global journalism ethics must show, in detail, how its ideas imply changes to norms and practices in different contexts.

There is, therefore, a need to talk about ethics at multiple levels, as the moral values and culture may change from one corner of the world to another.

Universal Values only can be the code of conduct today. These are the human values pertaining to the individual, and we know that each individual is a media factory today, continuously engaged in the process of production, consumption and  dissemination of content. The ethics need not be for the organizational behaviours, not just for the individual behaviours.

The way forward, however, is to look eastward. Go back to the ideas of humanity developed and cherished in global east: the belief in the Indian and Buddhist philosophy of right conduct and welfare of all;  belief in the idea of ‘Vasidhaive Katumbakm’ as all are interconnected and one.

The ethics can be constructed, endorsed and implemented, keeping the individual at the centre. In practical terms, it means the values and ideals of higher mind and spirit should inspire, guide and control our physical and vital life and cast their refining influence on the body, and life of our individual and collective organism.

New books by Prof. ( Dr.) Surbhi Dahiya

New books by Prof. ( Dr.) Surbhi Dahiya

New books by Prof. ( Dr.) Surbhi Dahiya,  Indian Ambassador of IAMCR

Prof. (Dr.) Surbhi Dahiya, Professor of English Journalism at Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, published three books recently.

Dr. Dahiya is also the IAMCR Faculty Ambassador in India. Her books offer to the media educators fraternity and industry professionals an incisive and panoptic view and understanding of the Indian media conglomerates.

Her latest book, Indian Media Giants: Unveiling the Business Dynamics of Print Legacies, is an analytical chronicle of six Indian mega media conglomerates’ individual odyssey–from their humble, incipient beginnings in the pre-independence era to their transformation into powerful business empires in the digitized world. The book traces the metamorphosis of Indian media: from birth to the phase-wise contours of growth and development; the travails and trajectories; the organizational structures, editorial policies and business dynamics of major print media organizations in India, namely, The Times Group, The Hindu Group, The Hindustan Times Limited, The Indian Express Group, Dainik Jagran Limited, and DB Corp Limited.

Published by OUP in 2022 (ISBN–13 (print edition): 978–0–19–013262–0 )

Foreword by Prof. Graham Murdock, UK.; Preface by Prof  Tim Vos, USA,  Advance Comments by Media Barons Vineet Jain, Shobhana Bhartia, Viveck Goenka, Anant Goenka, N Ram, N Ravi, Sanjay Gupta, Sudhir Agarwal, Girish Agarwal , Pawan Agarwal, and by noted academicians and industry professionals

It unravels their understanding of the values of co-dependence, collaboration, and competition with their contemporaries. It is an untold story of how these organizations leapt over the perimeters of conventional greatness to achieve unmeasured success that spans the globe.  The book analyzes how innovations have been brought in the management policies of these print businesses, with respect to production, distribution, and consumption, while accrediting the visionary leadership that drives each organization forward in its endeavors. What the case studies also detail is the wide extent of strategic intent enunciation; the role of product lines, development and diversification into radio, TV, digital and other segments; geographical spread, expansion, regional penetration and international footprint; the role of technological advancements in throwing up unimaginably new business opportunities; strategic alliances, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and takeovers; manpower management policies; CSR activities and financial performance of these media giants. The theoretical implications of the growth of media organizations in terms of the nature of mass media and their products are also underlined.

Her second book, The House That ZEE Built, is about the legacy of India’s pioneering media enterprise as it is about its founding fathers. Beginning at the humble inception of the ambitious dreams the Goenka patriarchs saw way back in 1890, the book traces the story of an agri-business’ growth into the country’s first satellite television channel, and further branches out into a media conglomerate whose fingers are dipped in news, entertainment, and many more. 

Offering an incisive look into the creation and sustenance of a brand that transcends regions, both national and international, this is a chronicle aimed at capturing the very essence of the phenomenon called Zee. It comprises priceless insights from voices at the media giant, including from magnate Subhash Chandra and his son Punit Goenka, making for an enriching read about a journey through generations.

Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd ( 2021)
Foreword by Prof Alan Albarran, USA
Book Praise By Dr Subhash Chandra

Without tilted commentary, the book also sheds light on the institution’s confrontation with challenging upheavals as well as its brushes with success, sharing behind-the-scenes anecdotes, exclusive inputs, and expert analysis, promising an unputdownable experience for the reader. 

Her third book, Beat  Reporting and Editing: Journalism in the Digital Age, is an edited volume with 48 chapters. Beat Reporting and Editing: Journalism in the Digital Era offers an extensive and pioneering study of reporting for all the news beats, news writing and news editing. This coedited book is an exhaustive resource filled with insights on traditional beats like defense, politics, court, crime, sports and entertainment, besides exclusive chapters on rural reporting, storytelling, photo journalism and cartooning, social media reporting, misinformation and fake news, solution based journalism, among others. The book includes all emerging forms of journalism like Artificial Intelligence, blockchain and bots, podcast, mobile journalism (MOJO), drone journalism (DOJO) and data journalism in India.

SAGE Publications ( Edited volume- 48 chapters) ( With Shambhu Sahu); Foreword by Bill Hinchberger; Message by Honourable Vice President of India, Sh Venkaiah Naidu
ISBN- 9789354792144.

Including the work of eminent journalists and leading media scholars, it is structured to guide the students and teachers on techniques to report on specific beats in the digital environment, role of AI and digital technologies in newsgathering and reportage besides, issues of identity, data, research and analysis in new age journalism. Drawing on an enormous range of examples, case studies, and first hand experiences of eminent journalists and media educators, this book encourages critical engagement with all forms of journalistic writing in the digital era as well as theory and practice.

New Asia Pacific nonprofit takes up role of PJR publishing

New Asia Pacific nonprofit takes up role of PJR publishing

New Asia Pacific nonprofit takes up role of PJR publishing

The inaugural annual general meeting of the Asia Pacific Media Network | Te  Koakoa Incorporated, publishers of Pacific Journalism Review. Image: Nik Naidu 

A new Asia Pacific nonprofit group has taken up the role of publishing the independent Pacific Journalism Review and other research and publication ventures.

The launch of the Asia Pacific Media Network | Te Koakoa Inc. has ensured the viability of the New Zealand-based 28-year-old journal that was founded at the University of Papua New Guinea in 1994.

The journal has a focus on Asia Pacific, Australia and New Zealand media research but also publishes widely on global issues.

Chair Dr. Heather Devere said the members of the network – mostly in Australia, Fiji and New Zealand – aimed to “show support and work for the benefit of First Nations and other communities in Aotearoa and the Asia-Pacific region.”

But, added Dr Devere, retired director of research practice of the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS): “The first and most urgent aim is to enable the continued publication of the non-profit media research journal Pacific Journalism Review”. 

The journal has already produced two double editions since becoming independent of its last host, Auckland University of Technology, which had followed the University of the South Pacific as publisher. https://ojs.aut.ac.nz/pacific-journalism-review/issue/archive

Professor David Robie, founding editor of the journal and who retired as AUT’s Pacific Media Centre (PMC) director in 2020, said he was “delighted” with this development and thanked colleagues for their support.

After organizing the establishment of the APMN, he is now deputy chair and is looking for new projects. He is also country representative of the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC).

Dr. Devere said it was urgent to establish such a network “ to continue the work on Aotearoa New Zealand’s role in the Asia Pacific region following the demise of the Pacific Media Centre at AUT.”

There was no longer a space for those working on the PJR that was publishing research related to important and on-going issues in New Zealand’s immediate region.

Dr. Devere said there was no longer a focus of any New Zealand universities doing the work being done by APMN.

“While there is a current focus on Pacific Issues, there is no stable space for those working on media issues in the Asia Pacific region,” she said.

“There is also a conflict of interest between universities that are now functioning as commercial institutions and investigative journalism that is engaged in providing accurate and reliable information for citizens.”

More information about APMN

Contact: David Robie – davidrobie.nz@icloud.com