Webinar in Asiacentricity and Communication Theory

Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, in partnership with Far Eastern University (Manila) and Universitas Padjadjaran (Indonesia), will hold the webinar, Asiacentricity and Theorizing Asian Communication: Current Status and Future Directions, on 07 July 2023 (Friday) at 2 pm – 3.30 pm (Singapore Standard Time). The speaker is Dr. Yoshitaka Miike, Professor of Communication at the University of Hawaii at Hilo and a foremost scholar of Asian theories of communication. Dr.Miike is co-editor of the Handbook of Global Interventions in Communication Theory (2002) and The Global Interventions (2008 and 2014).
What is Asiacentricity? Why is it important for the future of Asia? In this webinar, Dr. Miike will explain the intellectual origins and development of Asiacentricity, offer its new definition, and discuss its metatheoretical visions and methodological implications. He will then assess the past achievements of Asian communication theory as a field in terms of its areas of investigation, geographical scope, and comparative focus, and suggest directions for the future.
Deadline for pre-registration is 05 July 2023. Please pre-register FOR FREE at Pre-Registration Form.