Media Asia Journal Accountability Report Header

Issues published in 2020

Issues Published in 2020

Comparative data of manuscripts received from 2016 to 2020
(refereed articles only)

Status of refereed and non-refereed manuscripts submitted in 2020

Rejection data breakdown – refereed articles only

Turnaround time

Reviewer statistics



  1. Reconstituted editorial board consisting of five associate editors and one editor at the start of the year
  2. Arrested the backlog of pending manuscripts (i.e., the manuscripts pending with editors numbered 91 before the reconstitution of the new editorial board)
  3. Published the backlog of issues in 2018 and 2019 (three joint issues)
  4. Published the issues in 2020 (two joint issues)
  5. Implemented faster turnaround time in handling manuscripts and in replying to authors’ queries
  6. Indexed in Scopus (i.e., application was approved on 8 August 2020)


  1. Issued two calls for papers1. Issued two calls for papers
         a. Regular call for papers (5 February 2020)
         b. Special call for papers on media and the pandemic (19 May 2020)
  2. Redesigned cover starting with the 2020 issues
  3. Expanded editorial board to include an Editorial Advisory Board
  4. Revised correspondence templates to ensure more accurate messaging
  5. Updated T & F’s Media Asia website to ensure more accurate information, especially when it comes to journal indexing and abstracting
  6. Created @MediaAsiaJourn Twitter account (5 November 2020)


  1. Ensure publication of four issues (March, June, September, December)
  2. Sustain fast turnaround time

Marikina City, Philippines
2 January 2021

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