JRE Book Launch 2022

Message by Ramon R. Tuazon
Secretary General, Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC)
In our continuing war against disinformation, journalism education is our best defense.
Today, we launch nine journalism and communication books which will be part of our truth defense tools.
Journalism education is our best defense because it will develop an inter-generation of truth seekers and truth tellers. Journalism education is not only for today’s journalists but more important, for future journalists who must imbibe the culture of truth-telling.
If we lose the war against disinformation today, we will be staring at a generation which is unmindful of deceit and celebrates calumny and idiocy.
The books we are launching today present an array of subjects which will complete our defense mechanisms – media theories, research methods, journalism skills, political economy (media ownership), convergence and digitization, and alternative and indigenous media.
Another distinguishing quality of these books is that the authors and contributors come not only from the West but also from all the continents including Asia which I am proud to represent today. In this regard, AMIC is committed to work with IAMCR in producing more publications written by Asian journalism and communication professionals but not from a myopic perspective.
While we recognize the diversity of the topics and origins of these books, we are reminded that the journalism community, including journalism educators, must be united in their adherence to the Paris Declaration on Freedom of Journalism Education and their commitment to the defense for truth.
I end by congratulating, in behalf of AMIC, the Journalism Research and Education Section of IAMCR led by Dr. Sadia Jamil for providing us today’s platform to celebrate the accomplishments of our colleagues.
I’m cheering the authors and contributors and encouraging them to publish more in the near future as this will make us better understand the endangered, lied upon, and challenged world we live in today, and hopefully enable us to survive tomorrow.
Let us work together in our defense for truth, as ONLY TRUTH MATTERS.