AMIC Asia Communication Awards for Young Leaders

In 2006, Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, Inc.  (AMIC) established the AMIC Asia Communication Awards to recognize outstanding achievements in various areas of communication media. These achievements include contributions to research, education, institution development, and journalism. Since its inception, 20 communication professionals  have received the awards.

This year, as AMIC celebrates its golden anniversary, we decided to add a new category in the 15th AMIC Asia Communication Awards, which will be bestowed upon an outstanding young Asian communication professional..

The objectives of this new Awards category are to:

  • Recognize young Asian communicators who have brought honor and pride to the Asian communication community;
  • Encourage young professionals to further excel in and contribute to their chosen communication media profession; and
  • Promote more excellent outputs (e.g., research, publications, media productions, technology) that give recognition to Asian communicators as innovators and pioneers.

Our young Asian communicator is someone below 35 years old as of December 2021 and has a distinguished practice as evidenced in one or more of the following:

  • Significant body of research work on communication and media studies
  • Outstanding media/journalism outputs (print, broadcast, film, multimedia) as recognized by peers or award-giving bodies
  • Exceptional professional offline (print)/online publications
  • Notable teaching career
  • Prominent mid-level to senior management work in an established communication media organization

Descriptions on distinguished practice are detailed in the nomination form.

The nomination period is from  01 July  to 30 September 2021. The winner will be awarded during the AMIC Asia Awards ceremony on 04 December 2021.

Individuals or organizations who wish to nominate can download the official nomination form from the Official AMIC website or you may email the AMIC Secretariat ( for a copy of the nomination form.

The young communication laureate will receive an AMIC Certificate of Honor and Trophy.

Nominaton Forms

The closing date is on 30 September  2021. The award will be presented during the 28th AMIC Annual Conference.

*Please accomplish the linked nomination form. Send the form, together with a nomination letter to