Asian Journal of Communication’s journal ranking improves, Vol. 32, 2022, Issue 3 uploaded

Asian Journal of Communication (AJC), Volume 32, 2022, Issue 3, is now up and accessible online, while the journal is earning steadily rising scores in citation performance or Impact Factor (IF), according to Dr. Peng Hwa Ang, Editor in Chief.
Peng Hwa Ang announced that the Impact Factor (IF) of AJC has been rising, indicating improved non-self citation performance of the journal over a period of three years—from 0.743 in 2019, to 1.893 in 2020, and 2.074 in 2021. (Source: Clarivate, Journal Citation Reports 2020-2022)
“I suspect the rise may be due to the wider reach as we have promoted published articles through social media—specifically Facebook and Twitter—with the help of our social media editor,” said the Editor.
AJC, the flagship research journal of the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC), was founded in 1991 as a platform for Asia-Pacific perspectives in communication research. It appears six times a year and is co-published by the National Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
(For the full backgrounder on the Asian Journal of Communication by the Editor, click here.
(Here’s the link to the current AJC issue: