AMIC Reaches Out to Other Asian Regions

One of the goals of the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, Inc. (AMIC) for 2024 is to be Truly Asian. This means reaching out to all parts of Asia.
AMIC co-founder and current chairperson of the Board of Directors Dr. Crispin C. Maslog observed that since its creation in 1971, AMIC’s footprint has somehow focused on South and East Asia. For Dr. Maslog, it is time to reach out to communication professionals from other Asian regions including Oceania and the Pacific, Eastern Asia, Western Asia (mostly countries in the Middle East), Central Asia, and Northern Asia.
To achieve this vision, the AMIC Secretariat is seeking nominations for AMIC representatives. The following are the qualifications of an AMIC representative: (1) communication professional, i.e. educator, researcher, or practitioner (e.g., journalist, information officer, and PR practitioner); (2) with a wide network within the country to be represented; (3) recognized as one of the local leaders in the profession; and (4) willing to pursue the assignments as AMIC representative.
Among the duties and responsibilities of an AMIC representative are: 1) serve as the principal local contact on AMIC’s behalf in his/her country; (2) recruit individual and institutional AMIC members; (3) promote AMIC publications including journals (Asian Journal of Communication and Media Asia) and books; (4) recommend programs and projects that AMIC can pursue at the regional or national levels; (5) recommend and recruit participants to AMIC conferences and seminars; (6) suggest topics and resource persons for AMIC-organized conferences, seminars/ workshops at the regional and national levels; (7) publicize AMIC activities widely in his/her country; (8) provide content for the AMIC website, newsletter, and social media accounts; and (9) identify and facilitate possible institutional hosts for AMIC annual conferences.
AMIC members and friends are invited to submit their nominations, along with their nominees’ curriculum vitae, to the AMIC Secretariat at