Recording of AMIC Dialogue on Commonalities, Diversities, and Complexities of Asian and Western Communication Theories, 26 January 2023 via Zoom

Last 26 January, AMIC hosted the online Dialogue on Commonalities, Diversities, and Complexities of Asian and Western Communication Theories.
Over 200 communication scholars and educators joined the webinar which had Dr. Wimal Dissanayake, Dr. Yoshitaka Miike, and Dr. Mark Deuze as learning experts.
In his statement read by AMIC Secretary-General Ramon R. Tuazon, Dr. Dissanayake highlighted the need for Asian communication to ‘play a very conspicuous role’ in the exchange of cultural riches between Eastern and Western countries.
Dr. Deuze challenged communication scholars to determine the stories ‘that truly connect and unite peoples without requiring them to become all the same’ and how practitioners can help in ‘developing, furthering, publicizing, and promoting’ these stories.
Dr. Miike cited four specific directions for the future of Asian communication theories and shared five competing and complementary ethical values ‘that both local community and global society are struggling to balance.’
Learn more about their views on communication theories. Tune in to the recording of the dialogue via this link